Loan is a contract between the lender and borrower over a sum of money given, which is to be repaid within a predetermined future date along with interest. In times of fiscal deficit, acquiring a loan can help you overcome the problem. Quite a few financial institutions lend money at competitive rates. It is advisable to borrow money from a licensed moneylender. You need to compare all the different schemes of the different financial institutions and settle upon the one that suits you best. A licensed moneylender must explain all the terms and conditions to the borrower before signing any documents.
Personal Loan is unsecured. It is granted without any lien on any asset of the borrower. It is fast and easily available. In certain institutions, you can fill a simple online form and apply for loan without even speaking to any agent. But they have high interest rates and less flexible comparatively because of their unsecured character. They often turn out to be very expensive.

Foreigner Loan is a special feature of lending industry. If a person wants to open a business which requires funding or during vacation you are running low on cash, you can apply for a foreigner loan. You don’t need to be the citizen of that particular country to borrow money, but you need to have the required documents like salary slip, identification proof, visa etc.  It also has a very short repayment time because of its unsecured nature. The lesser the amount, the shorter is the repayment time.

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